

講師:Moravec, Michal 氏(Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe)
日時:2023年10月20日(金)13:30~ *開催日時を10月19日(木)16:00~から左記へ変更しました
場所:東北大学 金属材料研究所(片平キャンパス)1号館 5階セミナー室

タイトル:Focused ion beam microstructuring for mesoscopic transport experiments

Focused ion beam milling is a powerful sample preparation technique, giving precise control over sample geometry and orientation at the sub-micrometer level. The technique, initially widely employed for lamella extraction for transmission electron microscopy, may be used for studying electrical transport in small crystals of newly synthesized quantum materials or accessing mesoscopic regimes of transport in high quality single crystals. In my talk, I will address the latter case and present our resistivity anisotropy study in ultra-pure delafosssite metals PdCoO2 and PtCoO2, exhibiting novel ballistic behaviour [1] and signs of viscous electronic transport. The first part of my talk will focus on details of the crystal mounting for the microstructuring, developed in our department [2].

[1] M. D. Bachmann, … M.M., et al., Nature Physics 18, 819 (2022).
[2] P. J. Moll, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 9, 147 (2018).
