Event Information
10/7-11, Novel Superconductors 2024: Materials, properties, applications and perspectives
Novel Superconductors 2024: Materials, properties, applications and perspectives IFW Dresden, October 7-11 202 […]
3/15-17, The 22nd Japan-Korea-Taiwan Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (JKT22)
URL The 22nd Japan-Korea-Taiwan Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (JKT22)
12/26(Tue.)- 12/28(Thu.)FYR05 QLC meeting(Kashiwa campus, University of Tokyo)
2023/12/28 Additional information: Two winners of the 5th QLC Young Researcher Award have been announced. 2023 […]
What’s New
- 2025/01/15 Post-Evaluation of the FYR06 KAKENHI, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
- 2024/08/19 10/7-11, Novel Superconductors 2024: Materials, properties, applications and perspectives
- 2024/02/07 QLC News Letter Vol.10 has been issued.
- 2024/01/10 2/19(Mon.)The 12th QLC young colloquium (online)
- 2023/12/28 We are happy to announce the 5th QLC Young Researcher Award winners.
- 2023/12/18 3/15-17, The 22nd Japan-Korea-Taiwan Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (JKT22)
- 2023/10/25 11/21(Tue.)The 44th QLC seminar (Nagoya University)
- 2023/10/04 12/26(Tue.)- 12/28(Thu.)FYR05 QLC meeting(Kashiwa campus, University of Tokyo)
- 2023/09/27 10/20(Fri.)The 43rd QLC seminar(Tohoku University)【schedule changed】
- 2023/08/22 10/6(Fri.)The 11th QLC young colloquium (online)