10/7-11, Novel Superconductors 2024: Materials, properties, applications and perspectives

Novel Superconductors 2024: Materials, properties, applications and perspectives
IFW Dresden, October 7-11 2024


The International Workshop “Novel Superconducting Materials 2024” is intended to provide a forum for intense discussion of recent experimental and theoretical advances in the field of superconductivty and its applications. It is organized by IFW-Dresden and will be supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), and will bring together leading experts in this field, following the spirit of the previous Workshops in Munich in March 2016 and Dresden 2018.

Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Rudi Hackl, IFF, IFW Dresden
Prof. Dr. Bernd Büchner, IFF, IFW Dresden
Prof. Dr. Peter Hirschfeld, Department of Physics, University of Florida
Prof. Dr. Takasada Shibauchi, Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo