2022/12/10 Additional information:
Two winners of the 4th QLC Young Researcher Award were announced.
2022/12/7 Additional information:
“Meeting ID” has been emailed to all registrants.
Program (revised)
2022/12/1 Additional information:
Registration form has been closed.
Program (revised), Abstract Book
2022/11/7 Additional information:
Registration for attending with presentation has been closed.
The application for QLC Young Researcher Awards has been closed.
2022/11/16 Additional information :
Program, Poster Presentation List,
FYR04 QLC meeting Poster Session Guideline
FYR04 QLC meeting
FYR04 QLC meeting will be held on Dec. 8-10, 2022.
We will have oral and poster presentations by QLC members and researchers.
In this meeting, we offer QLC Young Researcher Awards to up to five students and/or young postdocs.
Date:December 8(Thu.) – 10(Sat.), 2022
Venue:Sakata-Hirata Hall, Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya University and online. (Hybrid style meeting)
Language: Japanese (Slides are in English.)
Registration fee:free
Registration:Required. Please register by the deadline using this google registration form
Registration deadline:
Attending with oral/poster presentation : by noon, November 7 (Mon.), 2022 → closed
Attending without presentation: by noon, December 1 (Thu.), 2022 → closed
→ ”Meeting ID” mails were emailed dated 2 Dec. 16:00 and 7 Dec. 9:00 to all registered participants.
If you do not receive these emails, please contact qlc_meeting[at]qlc.jp (replace [at] with @).
*Oral presentations:
Presenters are the QLC Planned Research group members and some Publicly offered Research members only.
Presentations at the venue will be broadcast online using “Zoom”.
*Poster presentations:
Presenters are the QLC 2nd Publicly Offered Research group members and general researchers are also welcomed to participate.
Presentations are given in a fully online using “Zoom” and “Remo”.
*General participants are welcome to attend the meeting, either with a poster presentation or as an audience only. However, due to the numbers of the people entering the venue limited to no more than 50% (approximately 150 seats), registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis and will close when the limit is reached. In such cases, we kindly ask you to participate online.
→ All those who selected ”on-site participation” in their registration form by 1st December 2022 are able to participate on-site.
*We recommend that visitors are encouraged to participate in poster presentations from a location other than the meeting venue (e.g. the hotel where they are staying) as much as possible.
*For using Remo at the Poster session, Tablets and iPads are not supported and please join the event using a computer or laptop. Browsers:Chrome recommended.
*All Visitors are requested to take infection control measures (e.g. wearing a mask, disinfecting hands, avoiding the three Cs: closed spaces, crowded places, close – contact settings, etc.). Please note that the style of holding the event may be subject to change depending on the future infection situation. We ask for your understanding in this regard.
Program(pdf. file)*revised:2022/12/7
Poster Presentation List(pdf. File)
FYR04 QLC meeting Poster Session Guideline(pdf. file)
Abstract Book(pdf. file, 5.9MB)*password required
How to join the meeting
Pre-registration is required.
1.If you want to join the meeting without your presentation,
access the google registration form of this meeting, submit your information.
Deadline:by noon, December 1 (Thu.), 2022 → closed
2.If you want to give a/two poster presentation/s,
access the google registration form of this meeting, submit your information.
In addition, fill the abstract of your presentation in the following abstract template (Word file), make a less than 1 MB in size PDF file, and send it to qlc_meeting[at]qlc.jp (replace [at] with @).
・Up to two poster presentations per person are allowed.
However, in this case, you will not have time to join in other Participants’ posters presentations.
In addition, you can apply for the “QLC Young Researcher Award” with only one poster presentation.
・If you wish to give two poster presentations, please submit the registration form twice by each poster title.
In addition, if you apply for the “QLC Young Researcher Award”, please check the “Apply for the QLC Young Researcher Award” box on the registration form for the presentation title you wish to apply for.
Lecture Time:
QLC Planned Research group members : “15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for questions”,
QLC Publicity Offered Research group members : “12 minutes for presentation + 3 minutes for questions”,
QLC Publicity Offered Research group members and General (only for poster): “1 minute preview presentation” using “Zoom” + 1 hour for free discussion using “Remo”
Language: Japanese (Slides are in English.)
Deadline: by noon, November 7 (Mon.), 2022 → closed
* When your registration is completed, a reply email will be automatically delivered. And after the registration deadline, the URL of the meeting ID will be sent to you.
QLC Young Researcher Award
We will offer QLC Young Researcher Awards at this meeting. About five winners will be selected and receive a certificate (depending on the number of applicants). Graduate students and post-doctoral researchers are encouraged to apply for this award.
The applicant must be a graduate student or a post-doctoral researcher who received doctoral degree within these five years.
It is required to give a poster presentation in this meeting.
past winners of the QLC Young Researcher Award:1st、2nd、3rd
The applicant is request to check the “Apply for the QLC Young Researcher Award” box on the registration form, and submit the following application documents: CV, a publication list (free form), and an abstract of presentation. PDF file of these documents have to be sent to qlc_meeting[at]qlc.jp (replace [at] with @).
Deadline: by noon, November 7 (Mon.), 2022 → closed
Two winners of the 4th QLC Young Researcher Award have been announced.
HORI, Masahiro(Tokyo University of Science)
”Topological Superconducting States in Two-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Systems”
SEKINE, Daiki(Tohoku University)
“Real space imaging of multipolar domains in MnTiO3”