QLC Topical Workshop on Quantum Magnetism and Neutron scattering
We will have a one-day workshop on quantum magnetism and neutron scattering at Katahira campus of Tohoku University. Please join us if you are interested in. Short summary of this event is as follows:
QLC Topical Workshop on Quantum Magnetism and Neutron Scattering
Data&Time: 2019/11/8(Fri) 10:00-15:10
Place: Tohoku University (Katahira campus) IMRAM West Bldg 1 (Scientific Measurement Bldg S) 2F Big meeting room
10:00 Opening
10:10 Spin excitations in spin-1/2 anisotropic triangular antiferromagnet
Kazuhiro Nawa (IMRAM, Tohoku University)
10:50 Gap function in Sr2RuO4 probed by neutron spin resonance
Kazuki Iida (CROSS Neutron Science and Technology Center)
11:30 Successful and not-so-much tuning magnetism with chemistry and geometry: a square and kagomé lattice example
Maxim Avdeev (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
12:10 Lunch
13:30 Magnetoelectric effects in low-dimensional magnetic systems
Alexander Vasiliev (Moscow State University)
14:10 Spinons, longitudinal modes, and dark magnon in f-electron metal
Igor Zaliznyak (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
15:10 Closing
Contact: Taku J SATO (Tohoku Univ.)